April 22, 2017

  • Looking at Topsy-Turvy Times

    When the day is like the night
    We stumble in the dark
    When the day is like the night
    We lose that joyous spark
    When the night is like the day
    Our lives are turned around
    When the night is like the day
    Sleep’s turned upside down
    When day is night
    We lose the light
    Feel fear and fright
    When day is night
    When night is day
    Sleep is play
    Work without pay
    Forget to pray
    When night is day

    This is a poem using the device of Anaphora - a figure of repetition occurs when the first word/phrase/sentence/clause is repeated at the beginning of successive sentences/phrases/sentences/clauses...

    We are living in topsy-turvy times. I was talking with a friend and she mentioned that her long standing association with a resale consignment shop had ended. They had suddenly changed their policy without warning or consent. In effect she was not told about the change and when she went to retrieve her unsold items she discovered that they were no longer hers to repossess! After some discussion with the sales clerk the store manager was summoned. Again discussion ensued and finally they returned her clothes. She informed them that she would not be returning. There have been other events - my phone service provider decided to switch me to online billing. This is not my preference but I was unaware of the change since they had sent the notice to a defunct (well, it is still there but I have NEVER used it) email account. I believe it was one they insisted I have on gmail... Needless to say when they sent a message to my phone indicating my service would be terminated in 48 hours if I didn't pay I was not only shocked and surprised but highly agitated! Seems more and more companies are trying to get us to give up our voice in how we are billed, communicated with, and how we are to pay. I was told by one utility that if I didn't want automatic billing (where I give them access to my bank account) I would be charged an extra fee for bill processing!! I may not be able to get paper checks soon, not that it matters, since so many places accept credit or debit cards only. Pretty soon actual cash money may be difficult to use....

Comments (10)

  • It's a little scary, isn't it? What if your computer breaks and you can't afford to have it fixed or buy a new one? I don't know how to log into my accounts on someone else's computer. At O'Hare I tried to pay to check my suitcase. Their machine broke and would not cooperate or give me a receipt even after they had my credit card info. I had to go to the desk, and couldn't even pay cash. I Had to use the credit card.

    Nice poem, and true. I'm still on WA time.
    My brother is home in Spain, still all mixed up time-wise, and having dizzy spells.

    • It is really hard when you can't trust some of the computerized systems. I just don't feel like it is as safe as cash or check! The shift in time zones can really mess up your circadian rhythm! Hope you get back in the groove soon!

  • I was kindly informed the other day that I will now have to pay $1 per check, simply to order the checks! I'm afraid you're right that we are moving towards on-line banking or debit cards, neither of which I want to do! I tried using a credit card for groceries a year or two ago, and at the end of a month I was completely lost!

  • I like to pay my bills in person so I know they are there receiving it, and I get a receipt. I'm not fond of online billing, banking, shopping, or automatic deposit. I like checks and cash. There are too many things that can go wrong with electronics.

    • I agree. It is nice to use cash and check and do transactions in person. Sadly they closed the utility payment office and now you can't pay in person. Every bill they send they urge me to sign up for automatic billing and payment! I am resisting. The post office must stay in business!!

  • More and more the bill are on the Internet and the payment is automatic . So much we do not control your expenses

    • That is true - when we give the authority to the utilities, banks, or credit card companies, we no longer can control the when and the how much they remove...

  • Sprint did that to us last year, but luckily Brett occasionally checks the email account associated with that bill and caught it before we got the threatening email. He had to go through a lot of red tape, but he was persistent and we continue to get the paper billing. I'm like you - I prefer to write checks to pay the bills, but I don't mind using the debit card for store purchases as long as I have a receipt to log at the end of the day.

    • Yep. Sprint was playing games and I did not like it. I had to channel my inner warrior and give my red haired self permission to roar. They were pretty quick to send the paper bill...

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