January 28, 2017

  • Looking Older

    I'm coming up on my last birthday in my 50s. It doesn't bother me. In fact I wouldn't be discussing it if not for the repeated questioning I've been subjected to. "How does it feel to be nearly 60 years old?" I don't think (at least I hope) that the individuals were posing the question out of malice. Yet they were very insistent that I give their question due consideration and a serious answer. Some of them related how when their grandmothers turned 60 they dyed their hair or got tattoos or went skydiving. I assured them that I had no intentions of doing any of those things. They seemed concerned that I was going to suffer depression or thoughts of suicide. I was baffled. Why would they think that my 59th birthday was some sort of emotionally traumatizing event? After a little ponderment, I have come to the realization that I am the oldest employee in my department. Likewise I'm one of the longest employed (3 others have been there longer but they are all younger).

    The staff seem to see me as some sort of ancient oracle. They want me to give them a glimpse of what it is like to be older, older than 40, older than 50 and definitely older than 60. I have surprised them - by listening to GreenDay, participating in a flash mob, going geocaching, along with wearing silly hats. Being unpredictable scares them and challenges their stereotyped idea of a woman in her late 50s heading into the sixth decade of life. I'm of the opinion that age is freeing. I don't have to compete. I'm not trying to gain social status or impress men. That allows me to ignore so many things and just be myself - even if that self likes to wear animal hats! I have a little surprise for them on Monday - I'm going to wear my retro hippy peasant mini dress with the wild pattern. I'll put on leggings and my leather boots. I might even do something different with my hair. (I have some hairspray!) Is it evil to mess with them this way?

Comments (16)

  • It sounds like Great Fun. You're right..age is freeing. You can do what you want (at least if your health allows it), dress how you like, party late, go to bed early or sleep in. You don't have to get up and go to work, or go to school, or take a test...unless you really want to. I'm free-er than you are though since I'm almost 80.

  • If you're wearing a mini-dress and boots, you may as well throw on the gray cape as well! Happy almost birthday!

  • My final job was quite lucrative for me -- I had opened a new sales territory, and maintained it well for several years. As soon as I turned 60, my colleagues began to ask me frequently "When are you going to retire?" I told them I was quite happy working, and I would work until that was no longer true -- and was met with "Well, when ARE you going to retire." They really didn't care about me -- just about my territory (and I retired at about 63-1/2)! I think there's a point sometime between 50 and 60 when you realize that it all really doesn't matter, and you gain that freedom to be yourself.

    • So true about gaining that sense of perspective as you get older. I'm under no illusion that there is true and honest concern for me as an individual. I plan to continue to work until I don't find the work itself to be satisfying. I want to leave on MY terms and not because they want me to...

  • From the photos you post, you do not loo 59 by any means. I don't know the individuals who ask you how it feels to be approaching your birthday, but maybe they mean it as a conversation starter or just out of their own sheer curiosity? I hope you enjoy your birthday =)

    • Hehe! Thanks for the compliment! There are days when I feel every year and then others when I forget that I'm not 30. As for the concern of my coworkers - some are asking out of curiosity and others are asking because they want my job/office/desk accessories...

  • I can't even remember what I felt at 60. I seem to recall turning 40 was what I didn't want to do. Now at 77 who cares?

    • I've never had any strong feelings about getting older (except when I was young and desperately wanted to be 16). I still think of myself as 30-something in my head but my body wants to remind me frequently that I'm not as young as I used to be.

  • Just be you.

    • Hehe! I almost always am!!! And I like to be around people who are comfortable letting their inner whimsy show!! (pointing at you!)


    • Hey! Thanks so much for the card and gift!! I had to laugh at the crossed out bit with GPS written in! Sparky got a chuckle out of it too. Maybe if we have another mild spell we can get a few winter caches (hopeful thinking as a winter storm rolls through)!

  • Happy birthday!

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