December 30, 2016

  • Watching a Kleptomaniac Emerge

    Before I married Sparky he had some habits that I found disconcerting. I think he found it amusing to make the store security people follow him around the store - K-Mart especially. The first time I witnessed it, I was mortified! He was shopping for socks and some other items. I had grabbed a cart and was filling it with my few purchases. He refused to put his stuff in my cart and instead put them in his coat pockets. Of course I said something to the effect of "Don't put stuff in your pockets! The security guards are going to arrest you!" His response was to laugh and assure me that he had every intention of emptying his pockets at the checkout. I didn't approve and I let him know that.

    Fast forward 10 years and we were married and had children. He had not pulled the "put it in your pocket" stunt for a long time. Son#1 was old enough to want things and to be told no. He decided he wanted something badly and took it and put it in his pocket (I think it was a pack of gum). It was a teachable moment and I think the turning point for Sparky to give up his habit of putting things in his pockets instead of using a shopping cart or basket. You know, setting a good example for the boys and such.

    So the point of all of this is that we attended a very swanky Christmas party put on by the university. In the course of going through the buffet line, Sparky put some silverware in his pocket. He wasn't planning on stealing it. He just wanted an extra hand to juggle his two plates and drink. This event was Dec. 15th. On December 24th he discovered the pilfered silverware in his coat pocket (wore the dress coat to the party and then didn't put it on again until Christmas Eve Mass). He was overcome with guilt and remorse. He wanted to know if there was an amnesty program where he could return the stolen goods - no questions asked. Sadly I had to inform him that it didn't work that way. So I am now in possession of some "hot" forks. I will take them to work in the new year and put them in my lunch bin. The next time we have a university catered event I'll slip them onto the table and let the catering staff gather them up. No one will be the wiser.

    I thought after all these years he had reformed! Sheesh!

Comments (22)

  • It's hard to teach an "old dog" new tricks. :-D

  • Oh my goodness haha. That is a very unique way of doing things. I hope you silverware return mission goes well.

    • I have the fork at work and I'm just waiting for the next Ph.D. defense to slip it back to the catering staff!

  • Amusing story. It was not intentional, and I'm sure they were hardly missed and definately he would be forgiven, but I do know the power of guilt, even over unintentional acts, like the time I accidentally hit an opossum and had to pull over and cry, thinking it might have a family somewhere, and back in kindergarten, when school milk was only 6cents, and I was supposed to get four pennies back, but realized at my table, they gave me three pennies and a dirty dime, so I actually got the milk free and then some, but I felt compelled to go back up and turn back in the dime. May the returning of the silverware go smoothly and ease his conscience.

  • @murisopsis: haha. Ninja style return. Keep an eye on him when you two are together lol.

  • I have a pair of chopsticks that came from a restaurant in Honolulu that has gone out business -- does that count as stealing?

    • Nah. I think you are in the clear as long as they aren't made of ivory or encrusted with precious gems...

  • When I was 7 or 8 years old I took a bunch of paper napkins from a restaurant where we had eaten dinner after a movie. While walking home across the Fox River Bridge your grandmother saw themzoy and made me walk all the way back, return them and apologize. I remember thinking they'd be good to blow my nose know like Kleenex tissues. This was back in 1939 or 1940...before we moved back to Indiana from Wisconsin. It was a hard lesson I never forgot.

    • Guess that lesson didn't stick? Seems I recall a jam fiasco in your purse - or was it barbecue sauce? Hehe. Sparky is a Freegan and never wastes food or napkins...

  • "themzoy" is my new word for pilfered items.

  • I am guilty of having extra fast food napkins in my car too. They have come in handy multiple times!

    • Don't we all have extra napkins in the car? Every time I order through the drive through (not very often) they give me a fist full of napkins - I never use hem all so I have a backup supply available in the glove box.

  • Years ago, my hubby put things in his pocket while shopping once in a while too ~ scared me silly! No longer ~ waaaay too crazy!

    • What is it with the male of the species? I suppose it has something to do with challenging authority and thrill seeking behavior... Makes me crazy.

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